The website uses SSL encryption for the security of your transactions. All the data you declare are transferred via https connection and are encrypted by a third party certification company.

The company, respecting the personal data of its customers, has taken all the necessary measures to ensure the maximum possible security on its website. Customer details such as name, address, phone number, etc., are considered confidential and are not used by third parties except by courier companies. Ensure that only authorized employees have access to this data and will be used solely to execute the order and communicate with you.

All personal data you may send us is kept in accordance with the applicable provisions regarding the protection of personal data and is used only by authorized persons of our company for the execution of the order and the issuance of purchase documents (in which case the data is kept in accordance with applicable provisions of the tax code).

According to the current legislation and the current provisions, you have the right to request and receive the personal data stored by our company system (without financial requirement) and you also have the right to demand the correction of incorrect data and the deletion of your personal data. data (when this is compatible and lawful with other provisions eg of the tax code)

Upon your written request, we will gladly provide you in writing if and what personal data we have stored. If, as mentioned above, this is possible, we will take all possible measures to correct and update your data, which are stored in our company's system, as soon as possible. In this case, contact our company immediately.
The processing of personal data for advertising and market research purposes requires your consent. Your data is not sold or transferred in any way to third parties. Personal data is promoted only to state structures and authorities within the framework of mandatory national regulations.


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